You should see this magnificent solar spot

 *Sunspot detailed image

This is the picture taken by the largest telescope on earth . It's a picture of sunspot usually sunspots form when temperature of that point decrease. Due to the son's brightness we can not see with our naked eyes. And from scientists are so attracted towards it.

These spot looks so like a juice or honey but they are very hot and massive too but this magnificent image shows the beauty which nature produce.

*A former NHS surgeon has created an AI-powered “virtual patient”

We are imagining that one day we will consult AI powered doctor or surgeon but here A surgeon whose name is Dr. Alex young has created a AI which helps students to learn how to deal with patients. Dr. Has created AI powered patient which can interact with student and also can tell students to what it is feeling like a real patient.

During the lockdown due to covid 19, maximum learning practices in medical field has been stoped which encourages dr. Alex to made this invention.

This is the small piece which is showing the possibility of AI .

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