Next big thing in Science

 As a common person scientific discoveries always attracted me towards them. When I was young I used to watch documentaries related to universe, planets, stars. I can surely remember at that time Jurassic Park movie has released and from then I have realized that science is not just all about universe but it is also about biology, chemistry, and math also. As I grow older and older I get to know the break throughs in science which were happened in past.

I would really love to fantasize about new break throughs in science like warm holes, time travel, terra forming of mars, so forth and so on. Here we will go on the journey to know about potential candidate for the break through and that is 'Dark Matter'.

So the first question why should I mad about it? because  if the scientists are right then Dark Matter holds around 85% of the mass in universe and the best thing is that It can not interact with ordinary mass which scientists call as 'Baryonic mass' and there is only one way to interact dark matter with baryonic mass through gravitational force and due to this scientist have observed It yet It is still debatable and if it is true still we have no evidence or  we don't know about it's actual properties. So that makes me so curious about it.
Here we have some cool sites which you can surely visit if you want to learn more about it.
We also have cool quizzes to check your knowledge about dark  matter. Here I have provided quiz from NASA.
So now question is can we harness dark matter? I would like to say it is not possible to harness it right now but if we could we can solve our many problems like achieving light speed, interstellar travel, galactic scale projects like terraforming or dyson-sphere etc.

Neil Degress Tyson who is astrophysicist has very broad and deep vision upon this matter and probably you may know about him. here I have provided one of his video.

There are other channels also which I want to mention here because they are putting so much efforts to gathered information. check out this video also on dark energy which is also wonderful concept to learn.

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